Hello, this is Blaze.In game username: My ingame username is Blaze
Any experience as staff: I have been Mod on about.. 4 servers, Admin in 3 and Co in one.
Proof: I have played trendscape and been Co owner on that, but its offline. Trendscape2.ucoz.com for proof, but they moved. I am Admin on fearsoft.no-ip.biz and you can see me there, also have been mod on ragepkscape which is now offline, and also ownagepkin.hopto.org but is offline.Also I have played failscape.no-ip.org and have been mod untill the server was hacked and shut down.
Why do I want to be staff: I want to be staff, because well first of all I dont see many staff members, and think that I should apply because I like the server, and want to be of help to it. I always see the message on there saying they need staff, so I think this might be my chance.
Why do I want you to pick me as staff: I'd like to be chosen as a mod, because I think I could really help out. I am very nice to new people and showing them what they can do to amuse themselves.I show them around if they would want me to and I also tell them what they would want to know about the server.
Do I dislike anyone on the server: No, I do not. I like everyone on the server, the only kind of "Player" I hate are spammers and hackers. Other then spammers and hackers, I do not dislike anyone.
Those are the reasons I think I should be moderator.
Merry christmas!!